Main: (413) 598-8311
Pay by Phone: (877) 371-0327
Customer Service: (413) 594-2400
Emergency 24 Hr: (413) 594-7581
Chicopee’s own state of the art, 100% fiber network.

***CEL participation in the Massachusetts Municipal Light Plant Solar Program ended 06/01/2021***
Chicopee Electric Light supports our customers' decisions to pursue the installation of solar power projects. All Interconnecting Customers must install and operate their Distributed Generation Facilities in accordance with all State, local, and CEL requirements and standards. Customers may also be able to take advantage of federal and state tax incentives for the installation of these systems.
Chicopee Electric Light does not allow third party Purchase Power Agreements (PPA's) as stated in the Distributed Generation Policy.
For more information regarding Solar Projects please review the links below: