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Customer Service: (413) 594-2400
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Chicopee’s own state of the art, 100% fiber network.

What is the EV Program?
Chicopee Electric Light (CEL) has partnered with its energy efficiency program manager, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, (MMWEC), to provide a free or discounted WiFi-equipped Level 2 residential electric vehicle charger to customers signing on to the NextZero Scheduled Charging Program.
The Electric Vehicle (EV) Program is a way to offset expenses for customers who have made the environmentally conscious decision to purchase an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
Please call the NextZero Program at (413) 308-1311 for details and next steps.
What is a Scheduled Charging Program?
Scheduled charging is a set schedule to determine when a charger can be used at full power. Through the WiFi connection enabled in the charger, CEL will power off the EV charger during periods of peak energy usage for the rest of our distribution system. Visit the Department of Energy Resource’s Alternative Fuels Data Center to compare different EV models.
Want to learn more about the different charging levels? Download EV Charging 101.