Main: (413) 598-8311
Pay by Phone: (877) 371-0327
Customer Service: (413) 594-2400
Emergency 24 Hr: (413) 594-7581
Chicopee’s own state of the art, 100% fiber network.

Dig Safe System, Inc. is a not-for profit corporation, funded entirely by member utility companies, such as Chicopee Electric Light, in the interest of public safety.
State Laws require anyone who digs to notify utility companies before starting, and for good reason. Digging can be both dangerous and costly without first investigating the location of underground utilities.
Dig Safe System, Inc. is a communication network, assisting excavators, contractors and property owners in complying with state law by notifying the appropriate utilities before digging. Dig Safe®, a free service, notifies member companies of proposed excavation projects. In turn, these member utilities respond to the work area and identify the location of underground facilities. Callers are given a permit number as confirmation. The toll free number for anyone who digs in Massachusetts is 888-DIG-SAFE ® (344-7233). In Massachusetts, state law requires advance notice of at least three (3) business days.