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Chicopee’s own state of the art, 100% fiber network.

Chicopee Electric Light is pleased to announce our participation in the NextZero Commercial & Industrial Incentive Program designed to offer technical assistance, incentives, and low interest financing to help promote the identification and installation of cost effective efficiency and carbon reduction projects in Chicopee. All non-residential, commercial and industrial customers are eligible to apply. Funding is limited and will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
NextZero Prescriptive Lighting & HVAC Programs
The NextZero Prescriptive Lighting & HVAC programs are a fast track process for reviewing and implementing these projects. The prescriptive programs are for CEL customers who have identified lighting &/or HVAC improvement projects and have procured cost quotations from licensed installers. Incentives available through the Prescriptive Programs are based upon equipment eligibility and a pre-determined incentive per unit. For more details, please review the links below for program descriptions, application forms, and the terms & conditions
Prescriptive Lighting Program:
HVAC Program:
NextZero Custom Retrofit GO Program
CEL's NextZero Custom Retrofit Program will be administered through a controlled process whereby CEL customers submit an application to be enrolled into the program. Once received, our teams will work with the applicant and their preferred contractors to fully define work scopes for the recommended projects, including a cost effectiveness evaluation based on estimated annual energy savings and/or carbon reduction. Incentives available through the program are based on the estimated energy savings and/or carbon reduction to result from project implementation. It is the responsibility of the customer to implement the measures of their choosing, at which time a post installation inspection will be conducted prior to issuing the incentive.
NextZero New Construction & Major Renovation Program
The NextZero New Construction and Major Renovation Program targets all new construction, major renovation, and end-of-life replacements where there is an opportunity to install premium efficiency equipment. Due to the highly custom nature of new construction and renovation projects, the NextZero team will review each application independently and work with the applicant to develop a customized plan that may consist of co-funded technical services, or custom or prescriptive rebates, or both. The plan will be developed to provide maximum value to the customer in their project planning process.
Projects that result solely in natural gas savings are not eligible to receive rebates through this program. However, MMWEC has a close working relationships with Eversource and National Grid and will collaborate with them to help maximize customer rebate opportunities for time dependent natural gas measures.
Questions / Inquiries
Please direct any questions to CEL’s Program Administrator at (877)-259-3015 or by email at